


How Can I Overcome Difficulties with My Erection?

1st Exercise

3rd Exercise

3rd Exercise

4th Exercise

5th Exercise

6th Exercise

7th Exercise

8th Exercise

9th Exercise

10th Exercise

11th Exercise

12th Exercise

13th Exercise

14th Exercise

15th Exercise

Extended Masturbation

Extended Masturbation without Lube

1st Exercise

2nd Exercise

3rd Exercise

4th Exercise

5th Exercise

6th Exercise

7th Exercise

8th Exercise

9th Exercise

10th Exercise

11th Exercise

12th Exercise

Extended Masturbation with Lube

1st Exercise

2nd Exercise

3rd Exercise

4th Exercise

Controlled Ejaculation

1st Exercise

2nd Exercise

3rd Exercise

4th Exercise

5th Exercise

6th Exercise

7th Exercise

8th Exercise

9th Exercise

10th Exercise

About the Book




Let repressed hypocrites turn away from this book in a huff: one hundred fifty pages devoted to the infamous vice that led a scandalized Yahweh to punish Onan! One hundred fifty pages that could very well fall into the hands of innocent youths! When will such books finally be forbidden—and where are the police when you need them?

But all other readers can be glad: all those who have good relationships with their own bodies, who know that the body is their most reliable and generous friend, all those who don’t turn red at their body’s demands, but instead grab hold of the opportunity with relish!

The possibilities of getting to know oneself better are not, after all, so numerous that they should be lazily left unattended. We should praise the author’s altruism—he would have made a good student of old Socrates. What a shame that Socrates—not only a philosopher but also a sensualist—can’t read this book. He would have been proud to see how literally Mark Emme has taken his credo “know thyself.”

Did I say altruism? But what does self-gratification have to do with gracious thoughts towards others? Mark Emme has succeeded in solving this paradox: sure, his “field research” clearly gave him a lot of enjoyment; but then, with what patience and stubbornness did he sit down afterwards to write down and explain the techniques he developed for male self-gratification in all their minute details! With what strictness and scientific devotion did he dedicate himself to his pedagogical task!

In this book, Mark Emme isn’t content to satisfy the reader’s curiosity with a few banal masturbation recipes—which wouldn’t be bad in itself, if you think of the general illiteracy that reigns in this field. He sees self-gratification as an entire sexual world with fertile, over-exploited regions and unexplored areas; with mountainous steppes and oases of abundance. A world whose center is the penis, and whose most beautiful creation is the orgasm. A world in which a man, driven by curiosity as much as the joy of lust, will not cease exploring until his bodily powers abandon him. No guide could make finding orientation in this world easier than Mark Emme’s. None of our strengths or weaknesses escapes him: he knows how to suppress the premature “flood of sperm,” but also how an exhausted penis can reach new power. He knows everything about the sensibilities of our various skin regions and knows how to combine the pleasure of touch with visual pleasure. Not even the mechanisms of our psyche and its effects on our sexuality are foreign to him. He is, among us poor ignorami, a wise man reaching out his hand to help us.

Some readers might ask why this whole book deals exclusively with men and male self-gratification.

Certainly, women as well as men deserve access to the innocent pleasure of self-gratification—but no one could seriously reproach Mark Emme for being merely a man and not a hermaphrodite. Maybe at some point in the future a woman will appear who will render her services toward researching female self-gratification with as much skill as Mark Emme.

Despite such objections, it goes without question that this book will soon be considered a milestone. It’s also certain that it will become bedtime reading for countless readers. So let us praise the Great Masturbator!

Guillaume Fabert


This work is split into three chapters:

—the first deals exclusively with the erection itself

—the second deals with various masturbation exercises

—and the third finally leads, through various exercises and control tests of willpower, to ejaculation

The exercises in this book are intended for all men, whether young or old. For most, they will be a revelation. Splitting the book in three parts makes it easier for readers to confront the two biggest problems of male sexuality: erectile difficulties and premature ejaculation.

In order to test the exercises in this book, you should be naked and allow yourself lots of time and quiet. You should free yourself from all compulsions, anxieties, and prejudices.

All the exercises are written in “real time,” which is to say in the time it takes to carry them out. For this reason alone they are guaranteed to be “authentic”: after all, they have been “experienced.” Because most of the exercises include commentary and descriptions of the sensations corresponding to each action, you will notice when the moment is right how authentically I have proceeded.

Of course, it’s impractical and not exactly exciting to carry out the exercises I’ve described while holding the book in your hand. The best thing to do is to read them once all the way through and then to re-enact from memory the grips described. Then if you don’t remember one of the methods exactly, you can pick the book up at any time as a guide. But in the end you’ll find out that practice makes perfect, and you’ll soon be able to master the individual techniques.

While some of the grips or strokes for stimulation and self-gratification might seem outlandish or even boring to you, someone else might find those movements quite thrilling. As much as we are similar to one another, we’re each quite different as well! Nevertheless I have no doubts that you’ll enjoy putting many of these exercises into practice.

They are all the result of a long apprenticeship and countless experience. But if I had confined myself to that, this book would certainly have never come into being. All the exercises were additionally examined thousands of times for reliable effectiveness, so I could be certain that they were more than just a matter of personal preference and could offer broad-reaching assistance.

If you’ve been masturbating without your partner’s knowledge up until know, now would be a good time to tell him or her. It’s the only way you can free yourself from any lingering feelings of guilt. Only when you truly liberate yourself from within can you open up and become aware of a sensuality that has perhaps escaped you in the past. Later on, it will be easy for you to pass on your knowledge.

After you’ve tried all the exercises, you will find that this book has revealed an entirely new sexuality to you. A sexuality which—in the age of AIDS—has the advantage of being entirely risk-free and safe!

How Can I Overcome Difficulties with My Erection?

Lots of men simply lack imagination. They always masturbate by the same rules without ever trying something new, without ever improvising.

Most of them only behave this way because they’re afraid: by the age of forty, and often much earlier, many men become almost pathologically concerned about their erections. If they have one, only one thing counts: to finish as soon as possible—and then they always complain that they can’t hold out longer. Because they want to reach a successful “ending” at all costs, they cheat themselves out of the best moments, the true essence. For this reason alone, it’s important to be as relaxed as possible for these exercises in direct stimulation.

Before you begin, remind yourself that this is a game. Self-gratification can be very pleasant once you understand that it’s not target-oriented, that it’s all about enjoying yourself—and it’s not mandatory either. Even if you’re not happy with the results, it’s not such a big deal. It just means you’re not in the right state at the moment to really get into it. Or you can’t manage to free your mind of social or acquired pressures. Or you just think this is all idiotic and that stroking yourself is not your thing.

If this last statement is true, you’ve got false pride: what you’re actually most afraid of is making a fool of yourself.

Maybe you believe that such behavior is only appropriate for adolescents who are eager for new sensations. Remind yourself how inexperienced you are, or perhaps try harder to find a way back to your childhood spirit. Then everything could be much simpler. You should also remind yourself that these exercises are not the product of a sick mind. That in fact they’ve already withstood tests, and that—even if you’re skeptical—they actually work! But in order to truly overcome your mistrust, it’s absolutely essential that you be alone while you’re “learning.”

Bit by bit you will see what a pleasure it can be to stimulate yourself thoroughly, rather than simply making use of an erection that—due to a video or porn picture – results from visual arousal. It is then that a whole world of new, unexpected experiences will reveal itself to you.

Too many men still assume that an erection is a purely automatic phenomenon. So they handle a penis that doesn’t want to become erect in a totally uptight way, with no sensitivity. Of course it can happen that the mere presence of a particular person can lead to an erection, even if their affections are rather awkward. But well-meant efforts are often rewarded with no success at all. A handsome face or an exciting body can’t always make up for complete ignorance of the various stimulation points of the male sex. Sometimes miracles can happen, when someone who might look less enticing knows their way around the body better …

Nothing can replace technique: the pleasure only increases the more you know what you’re doing.

A last piece of advice before you start with the first exercises: pay close attention to the smallest sensations your hand and your cock transmit to you. It’s possible that a certain stimulation is perfect for your right hand, while the left might obtain a less satisfactory result. On the other hand, it’s also possible that it’s more convenient to use the left hand for an action that doesn’t seem intended for it, if the right has already been performing the action for a long time. This way you can extend arousal a bit by first abating it. It’s also possible that you won’t enjoy an exercise with the hand I’ve written. Don’t hesitate to try it with your other hand. Maybe this will help you reach the result I’m describing. Lefties will, of course, have to make the necessary adjustments for themselves—which is to say they will use their left hand when I say the right, and vice versa.

My exercises frequently mention foreskin. It’s self-evident that those actions can only be included if you’re uncut.

Last but not least, it’s possible that there are details in my descriptions that don’t 100% apply to you. With a little imagination and very minor adjustments to what I’ve described, you might be able to awaken a sensual harmony that has previously slumbered within you.

1st Exercise

Sit on the edge of your chair, fully upright, your thighs spread wide. Your balls and cock should hang down totally loose. Take a look at them. If you’re uncut, it’s unimportant whether the foreskin is pulled back or not, since arousal is built up in the shaft to begin with. Even if your foreskin is pulled back at the beginning, it will automatically cover up your dick head later. Place your hands left and right of the base of your cock—fingers extended on top of one another as close as possible to your balls—and point your cock up vertically so that your closed fingers form a kind of support for it.

Then do as follows:

As you move your left hand upwards, your still fully flaccid penis will automatically be pressed against the hollow space formed by the fingers of your right hand. Then you return your left hand to its starting point. Now you repeat this action with right and left hands.

These gestures need to be performed slowly at first, around two per second, but they should be quite firm. Your fingers should move quite quickly up and down the side of your penis very evenly. Don’t pause between the gestures. Only your fingertips should touch one another. Make sure that your index fingers are supporting your penis; since it’s still flaccid, it will otherwise fall between your thighs.

Keep doing these grips for about a minute (around 120 times back and forth). While you’re doing them, observe yourself. Your legs should remain spread wide.

During this preparation you should feel a light hardening, particularly if you push your stomach forward. Now it’s time to go faster—not gradually, but right away. You will feel a tingling in your inner thigh. Don’t just toss around your cock with your fingertips now, use the first two joints of your fingers. Each time you should hear a clear slapping sound. Pull your stomach in. Through this acceleration and the decisive, firm rubbing, your member will grow larger. Spread your thighs and hold your breath; your balls will start to move upwards. And now go faster and faster—not much longer now to erection!

2nd Exercise

Now assume a somewhat more relaxed sitting position in a comfortable chair by placing your buttocks in the middle of the seat, your arms relaxed with your hands touching your thighs. Let your head fall back relaxed. Keep your eyes closed. It’s absolutely necessary that you be completely relaxed for all of these exercises. These preparations for sexual activity can only be truly arousing in a state of full physical and mental relaxation. If you’re tired or stressed, you should leave these exercises until later. If your body and mind aren’t connected harmoniously, you can’t perceive your own sensations with the necessary sensitivity. Or worse: out of nervousness, you maneuver yourself into a cramp that hinders you from getting rid of your tensions through arousal.

Always breathe slowly and deeply; only when your heartbeat grows even and you feel yourself being calm can you begin to stimulate yourself. If you haven’t already, you should take your pants off now.

While your hands are touching your half-spread thighs, lay your thumbs on top of one another, about a centimeter below the glans, on the top side of your cock. Lay your index fingers on the underside of your penis at the same height as your thumbs.

Now start massaging the glans by pushing your thumbs upward and your index fingers downward, as if you were winding up a clock. Inevitably, the foreskin will move over the edge of the glans. Then carry out the countermotion in the opposite direction, always very regularly and with little pressure. The four fingers involved here shouldn’t change their position during the movements. Your other fingers should simply rest in your palms.

After about 30 or 60 of these back-and-forth motions, you will feel your penis markedly swelling. Your thumbs will be tense, thus pulling less foreskin over the glans.

Continue this motion by exerting stronger pressure with your fingers. This will increase stimulation. Now gradually pull your index fingers further down with each stroke. The motion should become jerkier over time, and clearly directed downwards since your index fingers will be doing most of the work while your thumbs are just making the countermotion. By the way, don’t direct your cock downwards while you’re doing this, do the opposite: hold it as if you were trying to press it into your own stomach. From then on you’ll see how it’s clearly grown larger. Now close your thighs, press them together without hurting your balls (which will be half trapped), and let your finger movements become harder, firmer, and more jerky.

At this point you should observe yourself. This will increase your arousal even more. Press your knees tightly together, tense your stomach and ass muscles; your glans will be quite dark already, your penis at its full size. Maintaining the same speed, press your thumbs down more firmly as they rub against the edge of your glans. At the same time, stretch out your legs (still pressed together) and cross your feet. And you’ll see: what an erection!

3rd Exercise

In order for a stimulation to be effective, it obviously must be carried out for a certain amount of time. You should avoid changing from one method of stimulation to another too quickly. Make sure you’ve gotten a chance to truly savor the previous arousal to the fullest. Difficulties are often best solved with a detour! Though it may be necessary to stimulate your penis directly in order to reach erection, the direct way is far from the most effective.