





Care & Wellness



Top & Bottom






Before we take a closer look at your ass, we want to look at the cultural history of the ass. In addition, we’ll tell you what kind of ass you have and whether you’re an ass man.

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The Ultimate Knowledge Test

1. When you meet a man, what’s the first thing you look at?

a) eyes

b) face

c) bulge

d) ass

2. What kind of ass did your last fuck buddy have?

a) apple ass

b) pear ass

c) flat ass

d) I don’t remember

3. What happens when you get fucked?

a) I don’t allow someone

b) It hurts!

to fuck me

d) I shoot my load without my cock

c) It’s fun!

4. What top position is your favorite?

a) he rides me

b) he lies on his back

c) he lies on his stomach

d) doggy style

e) I don’t fuck

5. What do you check first when buying jeans?

a) the price

b) the brand

c) the pants have to show off my cock

d) the pants have to show off my ass

6. How big is your prostate?

a) as big as a pea

b) as big as a chestnut

c) as big as a potato

d) What is a prostate?

7. Have you ever had an enema?

a) No, why?

b) No, but I would like to try it

c) Yes, at the doctor’s office

d) Yes, before sex

8. Is anal sex the cause of hemorrhoids?

a) Yes, the main cause

b) No, hemorrhoids are caused by something else

c) No, getting fucked might even prevent hemorrhoids

d) Possibly, if no lube is available

9. In which country is anal sex banned?

a) Albania

b) Algeria

c) Argentina

d) Australia

10. What exercise is beneficial to your ass muscles?

a) handstand

b) half-squats

c) push-ups

d) backward roll

11. How do you remove hairs from your ass?

a) with an electric razor

b) with a safety razor

c) by waxing

d) with a hair removal cream

e) not at all—I let them grow

12. Do you like rimming?

a) No, that’s dirty

b) No partner has done that with me

c) It’s fun as foreplay

d) I can’t get enough of it

Read the results in the chapter AFTERPLAY,

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45 Words for Your Ass

apple / butt / moneymaker / arse / butt crack / moon / back off / caboose / onion / back passage / cake / patootie / badonkadonk / can / pooper / batty / crack / pooter / behind / dookie maker / pressed ham / Big Booty Judy / duffs / thick / booty / entry point / trunk / bubble butt / fanny / tuchus / bum / fatty / tuckus / bumpy / ghetto booty / tush / bund / junk in the trunk / tushy / buns / keister / ultimatum / business class / matako / whoopie cakes


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What Celebrities Say About the Ass

“I had a very attractive ass and people kept wanting to fuck me that way.”

Tennessee Williams, playwright

“They jiggle their bottoms, put their little fingers in the air, and with their little castrato voices moan about what those ghastly heteros put them through.”

Brigitte Bardot, actress

“If not exclusive to homosexuals, the desirous functioning of the anus at least takes precedence among them. Only homosexuals make constant libidinal use of this zone. In restoring to the anus its desiring function, homosexual desire defies anality sublimation.”

Guy Hocquenghem, queer theorist

“Gary Cooper has the biggest organ in Hollywood but not the ass to push it in well.”

Lupe Velez, actress

“Why is it that everything today has involved things either going in or coming out of my ass?!”

Eric Cartman, South Park kid

76955.jpg Ass-ociations

Your ass is an …


Who can always play with your ass?


What people are fucked by their bosses?


And who fucks the bosses?


What do you want to do with a penis?


What would you call a penis?


That your favorite actor is gay is an …


You are able to have sex everywhere in the US, because of constitutional …


What do you do when you see a tight ass?


If you are a European ass, you like …

Ass-ociation football

Last, but not least: To read this book is your …



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The Different Kinds of Asses

Not all asses looks alike. As with dicks, nature has created a huge variety. Age and lifestyle also influence how your ass looks—and what effect it has on other people.

There is no serious science dealing with how and why asses are formed differently. Usually, we distinguish between three types of booties: apple asses, pear asses, and flat asses. These forms have been attributed to women first, but they can also be applied to men.

The Apple Ass

If an ass is considered sexy nowadays, it usually is an apple ass both for men and women. The name hints at a perfect curve of the buns that resembles the fruit. Ideally, this ass is sexy and can be small or have some volume. But however big it is, it’s nice to touch with both hands at once.

The Pear Ass

Pear asses are wider on the bottom and are more reminiscent of eggs than nice apples (however, “pear ass” sounds a little nicer than “egg ass”). Fortunately, this kind of ass is more common among women than men. It is not a very desirable look. However, there are ways to tune a pear ass. For example, during underwear parties we recommend using a string pair to bring the worst pear ass into a nice form.

The Flat Ass

There is one ass that has no curves at all. The so-called flat ass looks like an extension of the back—and you don’t really know where the back ends and the ass starts. However, well-kept flat asses that get a lot of exercise have their fans while flat asses that feel like trampolines because of unwanted fat deposits are never a favorite.

Besides these three basic types of asses, there are, of course, many more. For example, an apple ass might become a melon ass after a couple of years, because more and more fat might crawl into the buttocks. Also other kinds of behinds—like pumpkin asses, wobbling camel asses, hairy coconut asses, or pointed lemon asses—have been observed in the swimming pool or the communal shower.

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The Ass in the History of Civilization

During the late Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times, legends tell of unholy meetings at the Witches’ Sabbaths. This was not supposed to be a funny magic school like Hogwarts in which Harry Potter welcomed puberty. No, Witches’ Sabbaths were considered to be dates of unchristian powers with the devil himself. People observed a ritual similar to those in church services—just perverted to its opposite. For example, in this ceremony, not the bishop’s ring is kissed but the devil’s ass. A devil’s deputy holds the devil’s tail, according to stories. If the devil was satisfied with the ass kissing, he made his appreciation known by a huge fart.

This shows the attitude of church leaders towards the ass. Many women and men were burnt at the stake because they supposedly kissed the ass of God’s main opponent. Fairy tales like these show how much the Catholic Church hates sex. A couple of centuries ago this hate was a lot bigger than it is currently. According to legend, all of those devil worshippers would start an orgy after they were through with their devil’s service. This shows the contrast to the church service, which ends with a blessing from the very top.

However, people also liked the ass back then. This is evident in art: The famous Florence sculpture of David, which was created by Michelangelo in the early 16th century, not only has a nice cock, but a nice behind as well. The cheeks are a symmetrical dream!

Michelangelo was acknowledged as one of the greatest artists of his time. This is why he received the contract to paint the Sistine Chapel in the heart of the Vatican. It was supposed to show heaven and hell during the Last Judgment. This huge fresco was finished in 1541 after seven years of hard work. However, the leaders of the church were horrified when they first saw the picture: There were nudes everywhere—in hell as well as in heaven. Later those parts were patched over. Badly painted clothes were intended to hide cocks and asses.

However, nudity in art was relatively accepted in the 16th century. After the standstill of the Middle Ages, people felt revived and rediscovered the classical antiquity. This age of renaissance was marked by more permissiveness and an explosion in art production. The aesthetics of the old Greeks and Romans made a comeback—and those guys never had problems with nudity or even anal sex.

After the heyday of the male ass in Italian paintings of the 16th century, medieval morality returned. The age of fig leaves began just a couple of years after Michelangelo’s death. Penises and asses were covered up. Up into the 20th century, sexual organs in art were frowned upon. Only a couple of very famous painters could take the liberty of showing cherubs or adults in the nude.

In the second half of the 19th century, it became fashionable to paint people washing themselves. Artists were able to show a butt cheek in this format. Unfortunately, most bathing scenes showed women. Only a couple of paintings by Fréderic Bazille, Thomas Eakins, and later David Hockney showed nude males washing up and showering.

And novelists? Plenty of gay authors have written about the ass, and not only as a source of pleasure. French writer Jean Genet, for example, thought his boyfriend’s ass was the best place to die. In Funeral Rites he describes the ass of Paolo and how he treats it with his tongue.

Nowadays, the ass is not a provocation any more. Artists like Andy Warhol and Robert Mapplethorpe have made the ass in art socially acceptable. In Europe, a bare ass in advertising is usually greeted with yawns. It only causes protest for other reasons: one Benetton ad, for example, showed an ass with the words “HIV positive,” which caused a stir among AIDS groups.

The ambivalent feeling towards the ass, however, remains. On the one hand, we appreciate its positive and pleasurable sides while on the other, it is still the part of the body that releases shit. In most languages, it’s also used in an insulting way. “Asshole,” for example, is still a banned word on a lot of American TV channels. And if you expose your ass in public, it is usually not meant as an invitation but as a sign of disrespect.

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Fucking Preferences According to the Statistics of Dating Portal

Are you a top or a bottom? If you have a chat on GayRomeo, this question almost always comes up. Very often, men try to get around this question by saying that they like both (versatile). But you might have to reconsider.

The statistic says: There are more tops than bottoms. If you are the receptive type, you have a larger pool of partners to choose from (see next page).

There are very few differences between countries. In the United States, for example, 13 percent of men say they only want to top their partners. In the UK and Australia it’s 12 percent. These close numbers are true in all areas. The rate of versatile partners varies between 42.2 percent and 45.2 percent. Interestingly, a small group of men say they like sex but can’t deal with the ass part. This varies from 2.9 percent (UK) to 4.1 percent (USA). However, these guys don’t know what they’re missing.

Is this a question of age? No—in all age groups about a third identify as mostly insertive and close to a quarter identify as mostly receptive.

Fucking Preferences


Almost a quarter of the profiles did not include information on which position is preferred. In Australia, it’s 23.2 percent, in the USA 23.9 percent, and in the UK 24.0 percent.



This organ helps you to digest, to sit, and is an object of desire. The behind has many functions. But how does everything work exactly? We’ll introduce you to your ass, from the cheeks to the intestines and the sphincter.

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The more acceptable term for your ass cheeks or buns is buttocks. The dictionary defines this term as follows: “The buttocks are two rounded portions of the anatomy, located on the posterior of the pelvic region of apes and humans, and many other bipeds or quadrupeds, to protect the intergluteal cleft (Crena ani).”

The buttocks consist of a large part of fat which can be reduced by exercising. They are also the home of the powerful gluteus maximus muscle, as well as two smaller muscles that lie below it: the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus.

If you ever complain about your ass being too big, you should know that the maximus is the biggest muscle in the human body. It is very important for walking upright as it stretches the hip joint and allows the body to get out of its bent position. If this muscle is paralyzed, it is still possible to stand up and walk slowly but you will no longer be able to do complex movements, such as climbing stairs. Maximus helps to keep the balance. It is most active when we stand up. Like other muscles, you can, of course, exercise to make it sexy and tasty. More about this in the chapter FITNESS.

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The taint (or perineum) is the area between the scrotum and the hole (the anus). This region consists mainly of extremely sensitive nerves. For men, it’s an erogenous zone (sometimes called the Highway to Heaven). With the prostate, the taint is considered to be the male G-Spot. The nerves that end here influence the erection as well as the shooting of one’s load.

Pressing onto this area could lead to a very strong reflex which can’t be controlled: This anal reflex lets the penis grow. Because this area is extremely sensitive, it could hurt when there is too much pressure on it—for example, when you are horseback riding or cycling.

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Doctors don’t use the term asshole, but refer to it as the anus (Latin: circular opening). It lies between the two cheeks and is the exit point of the intestines that releases waste. The sphincter makes sure that the intestines stay closed to the outside world. However, every gay person knows that you can stick stuff into your hole and that you will fucking like it!


These entries make you happy because the anal area in men—as well as in women—has many nerve endings. But this is only part of the fun: the sexually sensitive prostate adds to the pleasure.

There is, however, one disadvantage for butt sex: in contrast to vaginal sex, you have to use lube. Reason: the bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland) produces only small amounts of fluid—at least in the anus, since this gland is primarily responsible for producing the clear, salty secretion known as pre-ejaculate.

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The sphincter is a rather funny solution to seal the hole. By contracting, it makes the hole smaller and smaller, until nothing goes in or out. This is quite common in nature: For example, shells make sure nobody gets inside the same way. In humans, this is also how our stomach exit is sealed.

The most well-known sphincter is in the ass. We are generally able to control it from kindergarten age. Like any similar muscles, we are able to relax it, which is a blessing during anal sex. It can be exercised as well—for example, with butt plugs. However, overstretching this muscle could be dangerous as it can cause small wounds that take a long time to heal.

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Intestines are not a popular topic for dinner talks. That’s why few people know that the intestine is the biggest organ in the human body: It measures a surface area between 1,500 and 4,000 square feet, which makes it larger than most houses or apartments. Compare this to the heaviest organ in the human body, the skin: This outer covering weighs up to twenty pounds, but measures only fifteen to twenty square feet. The huge surface of the intestine is necessary as it’s needed to digest up to four pounds of food each day. It is the most important part of the human digestive system.

To sum it up: After arriving in the stomach, food travels into the small intestine (which consists of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum). It then moves down to the large intestine (which consists of the cecum and colon). Afterwards, the food—or rather, the indigestible parts of it—wanders down into the anal canal. From there it leaves the body.

The small intestine is about twenty feet long while the large intestine has a length of about four feet. Most of the digestive process takes place in the small intestine. It absorbs carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, salts, and water, which are then delivered to all parts of the body. Every single day, about nine liters of water go through the intestine. However, we only drink about two liters of water per day. The remainder is delivered by our glands, which recycle liquids constantly. The small intestine begins with the sphincter muscle at the end of the stomach. From the outside, the small intestine looks shriveled. It contains many wrinkles to get the most highly specialized cells in the smallest amount of space.


When leaving the small intestine, all the nutrients have been removed from the food mass, which is then taken over by the large intestine. In contrast to its smaller brother, the large intestine is smooth and not wrinkled. Its main job is to make the feces ready to be released. It’s like a ship dumping waste into the ocean, the only difference being that it does not dump the waste into the sea but (ideally) into the toilet bowl. The large intestine produces mucus to help the excrement make it out into the air.

During anal sex, there is a danger of injuring the final part of the large intestine. There could be anal fissures, which are cracks in the mucous membrane of the anus. This creates pain during the evacuation of the bowels. You can see blood in the stool or when wiping the ass with toilet paper. Usually, these injuries heal by themselves, but they could become chronic. Scientists are still not certain what the reasons for these fissures are. Some argue that other influences, especially high alcohol consumption, could increase the risks of injuries.

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In spite of equal rights, only human men and male mammals have prostates. This Greek word literally means “the one who stands before” or the “guardian,” and this body part produces part of the sperm. But gay men worship the prostate as the male G-Spot. It makes anal sex much more fun!


The secretion of the prostate gives semen its color and smell. The fluid is slightly acidic (pH value: 6.4) and it contains numerous enzymes which are needed for impregnation. Furthermore, this cocktail contains phosphatase, citric acid, cholesterol, and zinc. This process is controlled—and this is no big surprise here—by the male hormone testosterone.

Unfortunately, the prostate is a very sensitive gland and chronic diseases are quite common. The most common occurrence is the benign prostatic enlargement, which especially hits older men. The growing gland causes trouble when peeing and can even lead to men not being able to pass water at all (urinary stasis). If untreated, this could be life-threatening. Fortunately, a couple of prescription pills can solve this problem. Malignant tumors are also a big danger, especially for men over the age of 50. With more than 200,000 cases diagnosed each year, it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men in the United States.