Cover: Freedom First, Matthew Klan

Praise for TIP

“A team will only succeed, and a company will only grow, when each person on that team is responsible and accountable for their own results. If you want to consistently bring your best every day, you need to read this book and follow Dave’s game plan for personal, team, and organizational success.”

—Jon Gordon,
Wall Street Journal best-selling author,
The Energy Bus and The Power of Positive Leadership

“I love this story and this book. It truly sends a powerful message and takes what I have learned from Dave Gordon to the next level. I am sharing this with everyone I know and telling them to read it—twice !”

—Kurt Leisure,
Vice President, Risk Services, The Cheesecake Factory

“You cannot always impact what happens to you, but you always have the ability to respond. Dave Gordon is a master at helping you see through the fog of adversity and setting the right course for your future. He helps you discover your brand, and reminds you to always protect it.”

—Jon McGavin,
Area General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton
and JW Marriott Orlando, Grand Lakes

“Every great athlete, CEO, leader, teacher, and parent understands that greatness is a journey filled with the creative meaning of trying, falling, crying, laughing—and persevering, because the journey is what makes the difference. In TIP, Dave uses the power of conversation, of words, to compel you to cheer the hero along, all the while really cheering for yourself to become the best you can become.”

—Brian Hainline, MD,
NCAA Chief Medical Officer

“In a service industry, our employees are responsible for the fulfillment of our promise to our customers. Brand alignment, and the delivery of consistent quality customer service is crucial for everyone. In TIP, Dave has taken his “stand for your brand” principles we incorporate at Gallagher Bassett, and created a powerful resource with broad appeal and helpful guidance for any leader looking to build a world class team, company, or brand.”

—Scott Hudson,
President and CEO, Gallagher Bassett

TIP is a powerful personal and organizational vehicle for positive change. Management at all levels can use the book as an effective communication and organizational improvement tool that will lead to increased efficiency and productivity in their teams. The book can also be a positive and empowering catalyst for anyone who believes that his or her work, or personal life, should be more fulfilling.”

—Doug Cain,
President and CEO, Unique Fabricating

TIP is an engaging, wisdom-packed story that will help you take control of your life and career. Not the run-of-the-mill secret shortcut to success—Dave Gordon reminds us that “you have to be willing to do the work”—TIP illustrates simple yet powerful principles for discovering and building your authentic personal brand and taking personal responsibility for your success.”

—David Mooney,
President and CEO, Alliant Credit Union

“After reading TIP, you will have no choice but to look at your own career and relationships through a different lens, one that empowers you to never accept being average, and to take control of your future with a simple plan for personal innovation.”

—Jenny Hutt,
author, SiriusXM Host of Just Jenny, and co-founder of BunnyEyez

TIP provides critical messages—in a quick, easy-to-read format—on leadership, and how to realize your personal and professional potential. Give more, get more . . . it’s that simple. Help others be their BEST. Be of UNIQUE VALUE. Create WOW! This is a must-read at any stage of your life or career.”

—JeMe Cioppa Mosca,
SVP, Rehabilitation, HSS—Hospital for Special Surgery

TIP is an outstanding resource for young professionals or anyone hoping to advance their career. This book provides examples of best practices in personal accountability as well as keys to navigating and recognizing career laddering opportunities when presented at any age and stage of life.”

—Kristen Lazalier,
Executive Director, External Relations, Michael F. Price College
of Business, University of Oklahoma

“I’m always looking for new ways to motivate and inspire people to embrace the company culture and mission. This is truly a must-read for anyone in the hospitality industry, and should be reread every year as a reminder of the skills necessary to consistently deliver outstanding customer experiences. Dave, thanks for all the tips!”

—Tom Murphy,
CEO, West Side Hospitality Group


For Kate, with all my love.

Because you know who you are.


Thirteen years ago, when I published my first best-selling book, The Energy Bus, I thanked many people who helped me achieve my dream. Included in my acknowledgments was this paragraph to my brother, Dave:

Thank you to my brother for always challenging me and helping me improve this book. Your ideas, suggestions, and encouragement helped make this book the best it could be. I look forward to seeing your book next to mine in the bookstore.

Well, the wait is over, and I’m so happy that my brother has finally turned his many years of industry leadership and creative expertise into his first book, destined to make a big impact on teams and organizations. Why am I so confident? Dave has spent his entire career building personal, team, and organizational brands, and TIP is the culmination of his life’s work to date. A fantastic writer, an entertaining motivational speaker, and an inspiring leader and coach, Dave has crafted a game plan for your success.

Over the past 17 years, I’ve had the opportunity to speak to, and consult with, leaders of organizations, teams, and communities across the world. From NCAA champions to Super Bowl and World Series contenders, to the most highly respected and profitable Fortune 500 companies, there is one principle, when practiced well, that is consistent with high-performing teams and companies: personal accountability. A team will only succeed and a company will only grow when each person on that team is accountable for their own success and brings unique value to their role.

As my reputation and influence have grown as a speaker and author, I know the importance of consistency in words and actions when building a strong personal brand. Everything I do or say will have an effect on my life, my business, and the future of everyone around me. I am accountable for everyone close to me, so I live with one purpose: to create positive leaders, teams, and organizations, one person at a time.

After reading this book, and following Dave’s guidance, you will see how your reputation and the recognition you receive in your career and your life are very much in your own control. You just have to remember who you are, what you stand for, and live with a driving purpose to help others be their best.

—Jon Gordon

Author of The Power of Positive Leadership and
The Energy Bus


I want to thank the many people who have helped me in my life and my career. This book, and the goal of being a published author, could not be possible without the love and support of so many.

First and foremost, I thank my wife, Kate. You believed in me long before I believed in myself. My best friend, tireless editor, harshest critic, biggest cheerleader, and loving coach; this story has always been for you. Thank you for being the guiding and unwavering force of our home, our business, and our lives.

For my children, Dylan, Shannon, and Megan. Your input throughout the editing process for this book was invaluable. The three of you have been my inspiration. It has always been my goal to help you find your unique talents, and give you the support to discover your path to happiness and lasting success. Being your dad helped me discover mine.

For my brother, Jon. Thank you for encouraging me to find my purpose. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.

Thank you to Shannon Vargo, Sally Baker, Peter Knox, Paul Dinovo, Vicki Adang, Deborah Schindlar, Matt Holt, and the team at John Wiley & Sons, for your guidance and expertise, every step of the way, as we brought this book to life.

To Scott Hudson for reading the book and sharing your suggestions to make it better. Your support and leadership continue to inspire me to always stand for my brand.

Thank you to my outstanding teammates at Gallagher and Gallagher Bassett. Every interaction is proof that a unique and thriving culture can be created and maintained for over 90 years, when you hire, coach, and train people who are aligned in a common purpose. #TheGallagherWay

To Kurt Leisure for sharing your risk management wisdom, and for never not being a representative of your brand.

To the leadership teams at The Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island and The Ritz-Carlton Orlando. I continue to share your stories of exceptional service, engagement, and customer experience.

To John Branciforte. Our conversation was a “wow” moment for me, and for this book.

To Katie O’Grady, my fellow outlaw. You were the first outsider I trusted with the book, and I thank you for your insights as a successful sales professional.

To Sheralyn Hartline and all of the nurses who bring their best to work every day. Your dedication to your patients and their families continues to amaze and inspire me to always give more.

Thank you to the many clients who have brought me into your companies and trusted me to speak, coach, train, and help inspire high performance, better communication, and personal accountability in your people and your teams. A special thank you to Lori Arndt for being one of the first, many years ago, to trust me with your business, and your brand.

To the meeting planners and executives who value my engaging style of visual, motivational keynote presentations. Thank you for choosing me to create memorable experiences for your most important audiences. It’s what I love to do most.

To The Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars Program. It’s amazing where a great liberal arts education can take you.

I am also grateful for the authors and speakers that helped shape my career, and my business, with their words. As I think about this book one day sitting on someone’s shelf or desk as a resource and guide to a better career, I look at the many books in my own office and feel blessed to have them standing at the ready when I need encouragement to be the best leader, speaker, coach, writer, and person I can be. I don’t have personal relationships with most of these authors, but I want to thank them for sharing their expertise. Tom Peters, Pat Lencioni, Nancy Duarte, Ann Handley, Seth Godin, Dorie Clark, Dan Schawbel, Brené Brown, Daniel Pink, Carmine Gallo, Donald Miller, Jim Collins, John Medina, Michael Lewis, Malcolm Gladwell, Amy Cuddy, Randy Pausch, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Ken Blanchard, Spencer Johnson, and Jon Gordon. Thank you for sharing your secrets to success. Your work has inspired and influenced me in ways you’ll never know.

Lastly, to my parents, Nancy and Joe. I miss you both, and wish you were here for just one more happy hour.

About the Author

Dave Gordon is an internationally recognized brand, marketing, and communications expert. He is an inspirational speaker, author, coach, and leader on a mission to help people identify, communicate, and deliver their unique value to build stronger personal, team, and corporate brands. Dave’s work has positively impacted leaders, teams, organizations, and associations in countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

Companies, teams, schools, and associations that have benefited from Dave’s involvement include: The Ritz-Carlton, Marriott International, American Express, Novartis, PwC, Arthur J. Gallagher & Company, AutoZone, Gallagher Bassett, Alliant Credit Union, Southern Glazers Wine and Spirits, Samsung, Hospital for Special Surgery, Apple, Twin Peaks Restaurants, Quanta Services, VF Outlet, Manpower Group, Whole Foods, Oklahoma University—Price College of Business, Baylor University Center for Professional Selling, and the National Retail and Restaurant Defense Association.

Dave is the co-founder of Gordon Creative, a brand alignment and communications consultancy. He is also the Chief Marketing Officer of Gallagher Bassett, the premier global provider of risk and claims management services, dedicated to helping people face adversity and uncertain futures with confidence. Dave is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University. He’s not a doctor, but he did play one on TV.

Dave invites you to visit at, follow on Twitter and Instagram @davegordon_9, or connect on LinkedIn.



Your reputation is the most important asset in your career and your life. When nurtured and managed correctly, it can bring you limitless and lasting success. When ignored, you allow others to define your value, and control your future.

I was compelled to write TIP to help people who desire a simple way to take charge of their careers, improve their performance, manage their reputations, and enhance their lives.

TIP is for the professionals and high potentials who want a resource and a plan to help them make a name for themselves as valued stand-out performers for their teams and organizations.

TIP is for leaders, managers, and coaches who want to inspire their people and improve the productivity of their teams. TIP creates a common language of expectations and value, on which you can build stronger relationships and better results.

TIP is for young professionals and the next generation of talent entering the workforce who need a guide and a plan to build their career of a lifetime.

TIP is for anyone in any stage of work or life who needs the inspiration to remember, or discover, their passion for what is most important. You always have the power to create a new beginning for your own story.

Lastly, TIP is for my kids, and anyone who wants to help their kids have a positive future. In a world where we are judged by every word and every action, we must be strategic in how we promote ourselves today, and protect our reputations for tomorrow. TIP allowed me to have those conversations with my kids and encourage them to make the best decisions for lasting success. I hope it helps you to do the same.

* * *

I believe in “infotainment.” We learn better when we are not bored. We remember more when we are entertained and engaged. As the late Last Lecture author and professor Randy Pausch said, “Don’t tell people how to live their lives. Tell stories. They’ll figure it out for themselves.”

Rather than a typical how-to book, TIP is a story and a strategy written to remind people in any position judged by performance that the only way to achieve high performance, and lasting success, is to consistently take accountability for your reputation and your results.

Based on personal experiences and the lessons I’ve learned as a C-level executive, brand strategist, communications coach, sales leader, motivational speaker, performance trainer, bartender, actor, husband, and father, TIP is meant to engage you as only a story can. It is also meant to help you remember that the lasting success you desire is dependent on one thing. You.

Your thoughts. Your words. Your actions. And the value you create.

I believe everyone has value. You are not put on this earth unless you are meant to bring value to another person, community, team, or organization. When you do the work and give everything you’ve got, you will be valued greatly and rewarded in return.

TIP is my story, not just because I wrote it, but because in many ways, I lived it. It’s a business story, but it’s also a story about second chances, redemption, reinvention, and love. When you love what makes you unique, and discover what you truly stand for, it’s much easier to acknowledge your purpose and value in this world. And when you know your value, every word, action, and decision in work and life becomes so much easier. You pick a career you love, surround yourself with the right people, and create the best situations to help you achieve the results, recognition, and reputation you deserve.

Enjoy the story, and most importantly, follow the strategy.

It really works.