The following websites were referenced in researching this book:



And the following book:


Phillips, Bill; Eating For Life; ISBN # 0-9720184-1-7


by Richard K. Mai 










Copyright 2012

eISBN 978-3-943686-09-8





Are you carrying a little extra weight around the middle?  Maybe you’ve got more than just a little weight problem – maybe it’s a rather large one and you need to get rid of the fat for health reasons.  Rest assured that you’re not alone!


Obesity in America is at an all-time high.  One of out of every three Americans is obese – a number that has doubled in just ten years.  This epidemic is growing out of control in other countries as well as fast food franchises open in China, Japan, Germany, and other industrialized nations.


When you are overweight, it’s a serious issue.  Carrying extra weight can make you more susceptible to heart problems, diabetes, stroke, and various types of cancer.  It can also affect your body image as well thus causing problems with your self-esteem.


You deserve to be healthier and take off some of that weight that is making you unhealthy.  But what if you’re like me and love food so you hate the idea of having to eat rice cakes and alfalfa sprouts or starving yourself just to help the weight come off.


We have good news for you!  You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight!


Many people associate weight loss with being hungry all the time. They're afraid to start a weight loss plan because they want to avoid the frustrations of hunger.


And yes, a lot of times for many people they think it's better to be overweight than to starve. I'm no exception. I really like to eat, so there's no way I would be constantly hungry for the sake being thin. What kind of life is it if you're always feeling hungry?


Our natural instinct tells us to eat when we are hungry. Hunger is a signal telling the body that it needs to eat. It is also a signal to the body that it is in danger, that it needs food now. Our self-preservation instinct makes us scarf down everything in sight in response to feelings of starvation.


Our body doesn't care that we live in the modern world where food is plentiful. It acts the same as it would if we were living in a wild, having to hunt for our food. And it is not wise to go against the instinct that is designed to protect us from starvation death.


So, get ready for a surprise: you do not have to be hungry in order to lose weight. On the contrary, eating regular meals and keeping yourself full is what will actually help you stick to your healthy eating plan and reach your goals. Keeping your hunger in check will help you avoid overeating. It will also prevent you from feeling miserable, frustrated and out of control.


Diet and weight loss is big business these days.  It seems you’re always seeing and hearing ads for weight loss products that promise amazing results.  Some of them have their own meal plans, some are just small little pills that purport to burn fat, and others ask you to cut certain foods out of your diet in order to adjust the body’s metabolism.


There are many, many people out there who have amazing success using these programs.  Kirstie Alley’s looking great these days with Jenny Craig, and there’s no denying that Anna Nicole Smith has regained her image as a sex symbol with Trim Spa. 


The downside to these companies and diet plans is that they can often be expensive.  The pills you take for weight loss can contain dangerous chemicals or have a large amount of caffeine that make you jittery and feel out of control.  The positives are that they are easy to follow and provide you with support when you have questions or just need a positive uplift on the way to your goal weight.


If you want to join these programs, that’s wonderful!  But know that everything they offer you can be done all on your own.  You can prepare the meals that Jenny Craig offers, you can gain the same effect that those fat burning pills give, you can be in control of your own weight loss program – and you don’t have to starve to do it!


Inside the pages of this book, we’ll give you all kinds of tips and tricks toward successful weight loss.  We’ll examine some common weight loss myths and even give you some great recipes to try while you are on this journey.


It won’t be easy and you’ll have to maintain your willpower to be successful, but losing weight without starving yourself is a goal YOU CAN achieve!


I suppose the easiest answer is fast food, but the problem extends out to so much more.  Yes, the prevalence of fast food restaurants certainly doesn’t help.  As Morgan Spurlock showed us with painful reality in his movie, “Super Size Me”, fast food menus offer us a heaping helping of fat, cholesterol, and calories.  I highly recommend watching this movie if you find yourself addicted to McDonald’s – you could very well change your mind after you see it!


At any rate, many of these restaurants are now offering health-conscious choices including salads, potatoes instead of French fries, yogurt, and grilled meats instead of fried meats.  So with these items now included on their menu, why aren’t we losing weight?  The answer lies within our choices.  Those choices extend to home life as well.


Many people live horridly busy lifestyles, and they more often than not opt for pre-packaged foods that contain high amounts of salt, fat, and other unhealthy components that contribute toward weight gain.  We tend to maintain a mostly sedentary lifestyle choosing to watch a favorite television program after dinner rather than going out for a walk like they used to do decades ago.


This type of life style unfortunately is being learned by our children as well.  When I was young, we couldn’t wait to get through dinner so we could go outside and play a game of kick the can as the sun went down.  We rode our bikes everywhere and only watched television when “The Brady Bunch” or “The Partridge Family” was on.  Hey, we had our priorities!


Today, you’re more likely to find kids on the computer or in front of the TV with a video game controller in their hands.  Kids know more about the story line on Desperate Housewives than many of their housewife mothers.  They can tell you about all of the new products being offered through commercials they see in between their programs.  In fact, the average child these days will watch more than 15 hours of television each and every week.


Now, we’re not saying television is BAD.  In fact, some programs can be beneficial and even helpful in making kids smarter.  What we’re saying is that kids need to get outside more instead of sitting in front of the TV eating Cheetos and drinking sugar rich soda.


The statistics are showing this to be true.  Fifteen percent of all children and teens are overweight - a number that has tripled since a previous study done in 1980. 


Some people blame their excessive weight gain on slow metabolisms.  In some cases, this might actually be true.  However, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed what no one really wants to face:  we’re overweight because we simply eat too much of the wrong foods. 


Losing weight is actually quite simple – eat less, exercise more.  But we’re resistant to that message.  Mainly, it’s because we’re looking for a quick fix – an easy, painless way to drop pounds without sacrifice.  After all, losing weight just CAN’T be that easy, now can it?


No, it isn’t.  You have to consider portion control, food choice, exercise, how much exercise, what kind of exercise, etc.  But worrying about all of the specifics will do you little good.  You need to get the big picture in mind first before worrying about the specifics.


What you want to do is lose those extra pounds.  And there are many, many ways to go about that.  But before you wait around for the next miracle diet, try some of the tried and true methods we’ll show you.  It’s not as monumental as you think it is!